DOI 10.17721/2521-1706.2023.16.7

Vitalii Buzan

Ph. D. (History), National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine

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Abstract. The purpose of the article is to consider the U.S. policymaking towards the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Middle East process and the Palestinian problem under the presidency of Jimmy Carter.

The research methodology is based on the principle of historicism and standards of objectivity. The author uses historical-comparative, problem-chronological, historical-genetic, and historical-systemic methods of historical research.

The scientific originality. Special attention is paid to the U.S. policymaking towards the Arab-Israeli conflict and the intellectual basis of Carter’s Middle East policy. The author analyses the views of American high-ranking officials, leading experts, and policymakers regarding the concept of Arab-Israeli settlement and Soviet involvement in the Middle East peace process. The author outlines the role of the Soviet factor in American diplomatic calculations and considerations regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Conclusions. Initially, President Carter’s administration abandoned the concept of a step-by-step approach, partial settlement, and interim agreements. Instead, President Carter was determined to achieve a comprehensive peace settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, revived the idea of cooperation between Superpowers in the Middle East peace process, and agreed to reconvene the Geneva Conference on Middle East peace. The USA and the USSR were co-chairmen of the Geneva conference and issued a joint communiqué on the principles of a Middle East settlement. Among U.S. policymakers were opponents and supporters of Soviet participation in the peace process. Sadat’s peace initiative was a turning point in the U.S. strategy in the Middle East. After that, the USA changed its approach to the Middle East peace settlement, abandoned the idea of reconvening the Geneva Conference, and endorsed separate Egyptian-Israeli negotiations.

President Carter’s administration was convinced that a peaceful solution to the Palestinian problem was essential to Middle East settlement. The U.S. officials began to mention the legitimate rights of the Palestinians and their self-determination. American policymakers elaborated an interim solution to the problem of a Palestinian homeland. In particular, they proposed the concept of a transitional arrangement for the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Key words: USA, Arab-Israeli conflict, Palestinian problem, Middle East, USSR, Jimmy Carter.

Submitted: 03.07.2023



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