Тhe policy of Harry Truman’s administrations on solving the housing problem in the USA in 1945-1952
Mariia Kravchenko, Ph.D. student Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article provides a detailed analysis of the policy of Harry Truman’s Administrations on solving the housing problem in the USA in 1945-1952. The preconditions and causes of the emergence of a deep housing problem in the USA at the end of the World War II has been determined, the scale thereof has been highlighted. The ways to overcome the housing crisis, that were used by Harry Truman’s Administrations in 1945-1952, namely a combination of government policy aimed at supporting the financial capability of Americans to buy or rent dwellings in housing programs of Federal Housing Administration and GI Bill, and policy aimed on public housing construction, have been analyzed.
Following on from the statistical sources, the results and consequences of the policy of Harry Truman’s Administrations on solving the housing problem in the USA in 1945-1952 have been revealed and evaluated. The author claims that tendencies in the development of American housing that had emerged during Harry Truman presidency in the process of solving the housing problem in the USA were influencing the modern housing of the USA as well.
housing problem, public housing construction, Truman, the USA
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