USA-Indian relationship: history and currency
Igor Gorobetz, Ph., D., assistant professor
The article deals with the dynamics of relations between the United States and India during the existence of the bipolar system of international relations and the unipolar system thereof after the end of the Cold War. During the Cold War, India remained the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, which determined the US position that aimed at stimulating India’s siding with the Western democracies. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, India’s positions implied distancing from the alliance with the United States. Under the unipolar world, India is determined to develop strategic partnership with the United States. According to the American interests, such partnership should deter China. After becoming a nuclear power, India is reseting its positions in South Asia and in the Indian Ocean. After winning the Cold War, the United States remained a sole hegemon in the new system of international relations. China has turned into a “global workshop”, which has increased its financial, economic and military-political influence on various processes worldwide and in the South Asian region in particular. India and China are suffering from the threat of international terrorism. The United States are trying to keep their relevance in terms of Asian security, which is no less important to this country than Euro-Atlantic security. India has no intention to develop its strategic relations with the US through radical deterioration of the Indian-Chinese relations, which were settled with great complexity. However, India remains interested in maximal weakening of the US-Pakistani relations, especially in the military-technical sphere.
India, USA, bipolar system of international relations, unipolar system of international relations, strategic partnership, Non-Aligned Movement, China, Pakistan.
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